Eva Holland, 2021 Magazine Award Winner

Eva has been a full time freelancer for the past fourteen years. Much of her work focuses on the environment, especially the intersection of wilderness and society. She has been  published in the New York Times, Wired, Bloomberg, Businessweek, the Washington Post, Smithsonian, Esquire, The Walrus, Cottage Life, Chatelaine, Hakai, the Globe and Mail, Canadian Geographic, Hazlitt, and Maisonneuve. Eva is a Western Magazine Awards winner and the author of the 2020 book Nerve: A Personal Journey Through the Science of Fear. 

Eva's winning submission was her article "Justice on Trial", published in the June 2021 edition of The Walrus Magazine.  The article concerns the trial of Brayden Bushby who was charged with the death of Barbara Kentner.  Kentner, a thirty-four-year-old First Nations woman, died from an internal injury after being struck in the abdomen with a trailer hitch. The article follows the course of a trial that would once more test the Indigenous communities’ faith in Canada’s legal system. 

You can read Eva's winning article here (Link for "here" https://thewalrus.ca/looking-for-justice-finding-betrayal/)



Bonny Reichert, 2022 Book Award Winner


Josiah Neufeld, 2021 Book and 2014 Magazine Award